A debate about the term “spanglish”

There are at least two things people debate regarding "Spanglish."  The first is whether this linguistic practice is "acceptable."  See PDF for a few opinions on this topic, including mine. Here's also a short clip from mainstream news featuring Ana Celia Zentella:

The second thing people debate is whether the WORD "Spanglish" is the appropriate term to describe this linguistic practice. Even if you understand, support, and celebrate bilingual linguistic practices, is the term "Spanglish" a positive one, or does it reflect and create harmful connotations?

At the 22nd conference on Spanish in the United States (Feburary 2009, Coral Gables, FL), professors Ana Celia Zentella and Ricardo Otheguy were invited to publicly debate this topic. They generously agreed to allow filming of the debate. On this webpage you'll find a complete transcription in Spanish and a summary in English.


Owning up: When you earn your living from a language that was systematically denied to its owners


Linguistic Repression in the USA